
Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Various Servings Of Food From Chicken

Welcome to my blog. This time I will share some of my recipe collection. This blog is available in a variety of recipes that material from the chicken. When mixed with some herbs will taste the delicacy of its own. I think after you try with your own hands will taste better than the original. From the title seemed good to be enjoyed. How about try these recipes? Would be easier to have available materials and how to make it.

Chicken Curry Pineapple
1 chicken, cut according to taste;
1 piece of pineapple, peeled and cut into pieces;
750 ml thick coconut milk; 1 1/5 the old coconuts;
2 cm galangal, crushed;
1 stalk lemongrass, crushed;
2 bay leaves; 4 lime leaves;
Turmeric 1 bay leaves; 2 cm ginger, crushed;
2 tablespoons cooking oil;

Crushed ingredients:
8 curly red chilli; 5 toasted pecan pieces;
5 red onions; 5 cloves garlic;
4 cm turmeric; 1 teaspoon coriander
1 /4 teaspoon ground cumin; 1 /4 teaspoon anise.

How to make:
First prepare pressure cooker, then heat the cooking oil. Stir fry the spices that have been refined until fragrant. Next, enter the chicken, galangal, lemon grass,
bay leaves, lime leaves, turmeric leaves, ginger, coconut and pineapple. Close the pressure cooker. Cook over high heat until you hear a hissing sound. Reduce the heat and cook again for 7 minutes. Turn off heat and let stand for 30 minutes. Serve while warm with rice or lontong.

Chicken Red Paprika
1/2 kg chicken cut into pieces; 1 tablespoon sago flour;

1 red bell pepper; 1 ounce red mushrooms;
2 cloves garlic; 1 slice (1 cm) ginger;
1 teaspoon Tabasco tirem; 1 tablespoon cooking oil;
a little sesame oil, salt pepper.

How to make:
First of all chicken meat then mixed with sago flour. Set aside. Take the red peppers and chopped coarse, or cut into pieces.
The next ingredient, mushrooms cleaned, and crushed garlic.
The second step, heated cooking oil in a skillet. When hot, add chicken and fry until the color white. Remove the chicken. Further material such as garlic and ginger saute in the same cooking oil. If you have entered fragrant peppers and mushrooms. Season with salt and pepper, tirem sauce and sesame oil. Flavorings may be added. After a half-cooked chicken meat enter and add a little water and cook, stirring several times again.

Chicken Soup Claw

30 pieces of chicken claw
; 5 cloves garlic mashed;
1 /2 teaspoon fine salt; 2 tablespoons cooking oil;
2 tablespoons fried onions; 2 eggs deaf;
1 tablespoon soy sauce;
1 tablespoon white wine (as a spice for cooking);

1 leek cut into pieces
; 3 cups water.

How to make:
First nails clean and wash chicken scratch. Once clean, given the ingredients that have been prepared as a white wine, salt and garlic finely. Let the chicken scratch for 1 hour to allow the flavors to infuse. Then the fried chicken claw in the hot oil. During frying, the pan is closed so that oil does not splatter. After that, soaked in water for 3 hours or overnight. Drain and save water, then inserted into the pressure cooker with water content of marinade, fried onions, deaf, soy sauce, and add seasonings if preferred. Cover pan
and cook according to the rules for 10 minutes. After that chill the pan before it opened. Hoof chicken soup ready to serve with chopped onion.

Pineapple Chicken
(Recipe for 5 people)
2 chicken breasts, thinly sliced;

1 /2 teaspoon fine salt;
1/4 teaspoon pepper;
the three above ingredients are mixed.

100 gr starch;
1 /4 pineapple fruit, cut into pieces;
1/2 pieces onions, cut into wide;
1 red bell pepper cut roughly;
50 g of young pea; 250 cc of water;
2 tablespoons oil for sauteing;
4 tablespoons tomato sauce; 2 tablespoons granulated sugar;
2 tablespoons cornstarch, mixed with a little water; 2 pieces of garlic, sliced;
1 tablespoon soy sauce.

How to make:
First roll each slice of chicken meat in starch. after that, fried chicken slices with hot oil until the color changed to yellow brown. Next set aside.
The second step, saute garlic until fragrant. after that enter the tomato sauce, water, sugar, and soy sauce, then Thicken with cornstarch liquid.
Step three, enter the onions, peas, peppers, and pineapple, cook until slightly wilted. After that, enter the chicken meat.
Cook briefly until the sauce evenly. After uniformly raised and ready to serve.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Various Kinds of Fried Chicken Recipe

I have written previously about the roast chicken, now I'll write about fried chicken. There are several kinds of fried chicken that is displayed in this blog. Not all the food that we make the same as recipes. It could be what you make it more comfortable than the original recipe. So good luck and enjoy it.

Chicken with Oyster Sauce


Chicken filet; Flour PANIR
Oyster Sauce; 1 egg (beaten)

how to make:

Chicken cut into pieces and pounded thin. After it is mixed with oyster sauce, and 1 egg that was beaten. Let stand several minutes until the spices to infuse. Next, roll the chicken above PANIR flour one by one and continue by entering into a hot pan to fry. Remove and ready to serve.

Savory Chicken (For 4 people)

1 chicken (cut according to taste); 2 stalks lemongrass (crushed); 5 bay leaves; 100gr galangal (grated); 250 ml of water; cooking oil.

The ingredients are refined:
8 red onions; 3 cloves garlic; 5 points pecan; 5 cm turmeric;
1 tablespoon salt; 1 tablespoon granulated sugar;
1 /2 teaspoon pepper finely

chili sauce
various vegetables

How to make:

First wash the chicken and drained. After that, rubbed the chicken with herbs that have been mashed and grated galangal. Cook chicken over medium heat, then add the lemongrass and bay leaves. If the water out, add water and cook until the chicken is soft, then lift it. Separate the chicken from the marinade. Next, heat the cooking oil. Fry the chicken until cooked, then fried seasonings. Lift it. Serve while warm with chili sauce, and various vegetables.

Fried Chicken
1 chicken fat and young
25 g pecan; 50 gr onion; 3 cloves garlic; 1 thumb young galangal;
Turmeric 1 segment; 2 stalks lemongrass white parts;
1 tablespoon salt; 1 cup water; oil for frying

How to make:
First clean the chicken, then cut into pieces according to your taste. Now we turn to substances other. The ingredients for the crushed spices and spiked with 1 cup of water, after it was flattened, then poured into a chicken that was placed in the pan. Cover the pan and cook while stirring occasionally until the water is gone .. Next, lift and enter into a pan that contains so much oil for frying. If it's yellow. Lift with the spade so that sediment does not smooth out. Sediment is delicious and tasty to eat with rice.

Chicken with Lea Parent
Chicken wings
Cornstarch (flour)
Lea Parent

How to make:
How to make it easy and not time consuming.
First of all the above ingredients are mixed together thoroughly, let stand several minutes until the flavor permeates, then immediately fried and ready to serve.

Chicken Fried Flour (For 4-6 people)
1 chicken cut according to taste

The spices are blended:
2 pieces of garlic; 1 teaspoon coriander, toasted;
1 rounded teaspoon pepper; 1/2 teaspoon minced ginger;
1 teaspoon salt.

Ingredients for frying:
100 gr flour; 1 egg, beaten; 1/2 teaspoon ground coriander;
1/2 teaspoon pepper powder; 1/2 teaspoon salt; 100 cc warm water

How to make:
first cook the chicken with water and spices that are mashed. Cook the chicken until the water is gone and chicken mellowed. If necessary add water, then lift and chill it. Next, chicken and dip each piece of chicken into the ingredients into the pan for fry. Fry chicken that contain lots of oil until the color became brown, drain.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Various Kinds Of Roast Chicken Recipe

There are a variety of dishes about roast chicken is available on this blog. Taste and the way that you make may be different from the original. I'm sure you make smarter than me. Please try and taste the dishes are available in this blog.

Roast Chicken

Ingredients :

1 young fat chicken; coconut;
sweet soy sauce; salt; leaf; galangal.

How to make:
First cut a chicken into pieces or cut in half, boiled with water until the chicken is soaked in coconut milk, season with about 4 tablespoons soy sauce, 1 teaspoon salt, 3 bay leaves, and an piece galangal which was crushed. If the chicken is tender, remove and then grilled over charcoal fire. Thicken the remaining sauce, then season with soy sauce, lime juice, and melted butter. Use this seasoning to wring a chicken when burned. After completion, this roast chicken can be served with vegetables, soy sauce, chili, and lime.

Roast Chicken Ketchup (for 10 servings)
Ingredients :
5 pieces of chicken thigh; 300 ml thick coconut milk;
3 Limo orange; 5 cloves garlic (puree); 6 red onions (puree);
1 teaspoon salt (puree); 1/2 teaspoon coriander (puree);
2 lime leaves; 50 ml soy sauce; cooking oil for sauteing.

How to make:
First heat the cooking oil then saute spices that have been refined until fragrant. Add the lime leaves and chicken thighs, after that, stir until well blended. Enter the thick coconut milk, lime juice and soy sauce limo and stir well. Continue to cook until the flavor is absorbed and chicken is tender. Lift it. Bake in hot oven until brown. Then lift it, after that serve while hot.

Red Chicken Bake (for 2 servings)
Ingredients :
500 g boneless chicken; 2 tablespoons honey;
1 tablespoon oyster sauce;
1 teaspoon Angkak/red coloring (puree);1 teaspoon cinnamon;
1 teaspoon soy sauce.

fries + chili sauce.

How to make:
First mix all ingredients as chicken, honey, oyster sauce, Angkak / red coloring, cinnamon and soy sauce. Let stand overnight to allow the flavors to infuse. After a long time to sink in, heat the griddle pan, then put the chicken into the pan and continue to cook until cooked. Lift and cut askew. Serve with fries and chili sauce.

Roast Chicken Sweet (for 4 servings)
1 heavy 900 gr chicken, cut into 4 parts; 2 tablespoons lime juice;
1 teaspoon salt; 2 stalks lemongrass, crushed; 3 lime leaves;
3 cm ginger crushed;
3 tablespoons Javanese tamarind juice concentrated;
8 tablespoons sweet soy sauce; 200 ml of water;
2 tablespoons cooking oil.

The ingredients are refined:
5 red onions; 3 cloves garlic; 1 tablespoon coriander (toasted);
1 teaspoon cumin (toasted)

chili sauce and vegetables

How to make:
First we must wash the chicken pieces, then coat the chicken with lime juice and salt . Let stand briefly, wash again and drain.
Second, Heat the cooking oil, then saute spices that have been refined until fragrant. After that enter the chicken, lemon grass, lime leaves and ginger. Cook until the chicken changes color. Enter a sweet soy sauce, water and acid water Java. Cook until chicken is tender and sauce thickens. Lift it. Grilled chicken on a charcoal fire or oven until dry. Lift it. Serve while warm with the chili sauce and vegetable.

Chicken with Barbecue Sauce
1 medium onion; 2 tablespoons vinegar; 1/4 cup lemon juice; 3 tablespoons Worcester Sauce;
1 cup water; salt and red pepper; 2 tablespoons fat; 2 tablespoons brown sugar;1 cup tomato sauce; 2 tablespoons prepared mustard; 1/2 cup chopped celery.

How to make:
Brown onions in fat, add remaining ingredients and simmer for 30 minutes. Put in a casserole over the fried meat pieces and bake uncovered in a slow oven for 1 hour. Above ingredients sufficient for 4 people, using 2 pieces of chicken per person.
Can be done with pork or lamb chops as an alternative. Serve with rice and green salad.